Online C# Tutor

Online C# Tutor

Are you looking for an online C# tutor who can provide One-To-One classes? Look no further! Our live hands-on online C# training sessions are designed to provide you with customized training that meets your individual needs.

Our online C# tutor is based in India and has over 2 decades of experience in teaching C# and developing .net projects. Our online C# tutor is a Microsoft Certified Professional on Dot Net since 2005 and is an early adopter of Dot Net technology. With our trainer, you can be sure that you are learning from an expert who has hands-on experience with the C# language.

Our online C# training sessions are 100% practical, allowing you to learn by doing. Our trainer provides step-by-step guidance and covers all the necessary topics required to master the language. Whether you are a beginner or a professional looking to upgrade your skills, our one to one classes are tailored to your needs.

With our online C# training sessions, you can learn at your own pace, and our tutor is available to answer any questions you may have. We provide flexible scheduling options that fit your busy lifestyle, so you can learn at a time that works best for you.

If you want to learn C# programming from an expert trainer in India, don't hesitate to contact us today. Give us a call or leave a message, and we will be happy to assist you in your journey to becoming a proficient C# programmer.

Why you should consider taking a 1-On-1 Online C# Training from us?

  • Personalized Instruction and help in Rapid Project Development
  • We are the Oldest online C# and Dot Net Training Institute in India
  • We will build the automatic problem solving abilities.
  • Instructor led Personal C# Training. One-To-One online or face-to-face classes from India
  • Design, Develop and Deliver Academic Dot Net C# IT Projects quickly
  • New To Coding? Write your first C# code today!
  • Learn anything as a Monthly Tuition basis!
  • Learn to code at your own pace! Learn step-by-step!
  • Learn Object Oriented Design Patterns and coding best practices in C#
  • Learn to implement API in C#

Online C# Tutor

Why to learn C#?

C# is the power behind .net applications. If you are new to coding, you can start directly with C# Programming! Our C# course is geared towards people who already have some familiarity with any programming language before. But if you are a newbie, yes you can also greatly benefit from our training. We will start from scratches and establish coding and algorithmic ability within you. If you are not pressed for time, then you can take a longer duration tuition over several months just to sharpen your programming skills in C#. A great understanding of C# will fuel your great career ahead!

Prerequisites for Learnig C#

The current training is more geared towards the practicals of the C# language. So we expect a basic understanding/idea of computer coding should already be present. A previous exposure to coding using any programming language preferably either Java or C++ is essential. One doesn’t have to be a pro in computer coding, but a basic understanding of variables, conditionals, looping and array will be good to have. However, if you have zero knowledge on coding and still would like to learn C# as your first language, you are also welcome. In that case we will provide more part of time to make you understand the computer coding fundamentals.

Learn C# Programming: A Complete Object-Oriented Language for Modern Programming

C#, pronounced as C Sharp is a modern object oriented programming language. It has a large similarity with Java, in terms of language syntax. However C# is a complete object oriented programming language, since the primitive types like 'int' or 'double' is also fabricated as .NET object types. The C# training assumes your basic familiarity with programming. In case if you do not know programming at all, you may want to take a fundamental programming course using C++. The fundamentals of programming can be learnt using any programming language. However, C++, Java or C# can be choosen as a programming base.

Comprehensive C# Language Training Course Outline

  • Learn the fundamentals of C# programming in Visual Studio.
  • Using .Net Framework
  • Introduction to .Net
  • Understanding CLR, CTS, MSIL & other tools
  • Using variables, data types.
  • Using various
  • Exception Handling in C#
  • Working with Arrays
  • Object oriented programming overview in C#
  • Object oriented techniques
  • Object oriented Design Patterns
  • Using Properties in C#
  • Using Indexers on C#
  • Generic classes and methods
  • Database programming with
  • Collections classes in C#
  • Understanding IEnumerable and IEnumertor
  • Understanding 'yeild return' statement
  • Working with out, ref parameters
  • Working with user defined delegate types
  • Defining Anonymous types
  • Defining Lambda Expressions
  • Understanding Extension methods
  • Generic Delegates: Action, Func and Predicate
  • Using object initializers and declare implicit type
  • Working with Threads
  • Working with async-await keywords
  • Reflections in .NET
  • Implement API in C#

  The above C# course is just an outline. We will go deep into every topic with good intuitive hands-on examples.

Course Duration

3 months

Training Mode

One-To-One Personal Online Training or Classroom (Offline) Training

You are most welcome to customize the training according to your learning need, in that case the fees and duration may vary.


If you are interested in a quick course in C#:

Fast Track .NET and C# Introductory Training Using Visual Studio

C# is a powerful programming language that can be used to create a wide variety of applications, from desktop programs to mobile apps and web services. In this online training, we will cover the basics of C# programming and work our way up to more advanced topics.

C# Online Training

Lesson 1: Introduction to C#

  • Overview of C# and its features
  • Setting up a development environment
  • Basic syntax and data types

Lesson 2: Object-Oriented Programming in C#

  • Classes and objects
  • Inheritance and polymorphism
  • Interfaces and abstract classes

Lesson 3: Working with Data in C#

  • Variables and operators
  • Control flow statements
  • Arrays and collections

Lesson 4: Advanced C# Features

  • Events and delegates
  • Generics
  • Lambda expressions
  • Asynchronous programming

Lesson 5: Creating Windows Applications

  • Using the Windows Forms library
  • Designing user interfaces
  • Handling user input and events

Lesson 6: Creating Web Applications

  • Introduction to ASP.NET
  • Building web pages with C#
  • Working with databases

Lesson 7: Creating Mobile Applications

  • Introduction to Xamarin
  • Building cross-platform apps
  • Accessing device features

Throughout the course, we will also cover best practices for writing maintainable and efficient C# code, as well as debugging and troubleshooting techniques. By the end of this training, you will have the skills and knowledge to start building your own C# applications.

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